Ahmet Faruk Bişkinler
User for 8 years
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5 Books
4 Chapters
29 Pages
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Java 8 Create Parent Folder and Writing/Reading File
Java 8 Create Folder and Writing/Reading File public class CreateFolderAndWrite { public stati...
Download and add YUM Repo in one command
Download and add YUM Repo in one command wget https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo -O /etc/yum.r...
Write more then one file at single command using cat
Write more then one file at single command using cat cat > .npmrc <<EOFproxy=http://10....
Python to Generate Random Strong Passwords
import os, random, stringrnd = random.SystemRandom()chars = string.ascii_letters + string.dig...
zAllStatus.sh #!/bin/shEscape="\033";Reset="${Escape}[0m";BlackF="${Escape}[30m"; RedF="${Escape...
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Ahmet Faruk Bişkinler
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Tomcat Unix init.d Script (start,stop,status,restart,kill...)
8 years ago
8 years ago

Ahmet Faruk Bişkinler
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Tomcat Unix init.d Script (start,stop,status,restart,kill...)
8 years ago
8 years ago

Ahmet Faruk Bişkinler
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/bin/custom/zzGetStatus.sh - Get process running status
8 years ago
8 years ago